Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Doin the hotdog ho-down!!

Brad surprised me yesterday by calling me while he was working to tell me he wasn't going out of town. He might still have to go later this week but we won't know till it happens! So I have the laptop. It hasn't been much different because he has worked late both nights. But at least he is in bed with me at night! Last night was a ladies meeting. We decided this year to get out into the community more so we have been talking about different ways we can volunteer. So far we are having a food/cleaning supply drive and we are asking the church to save their box tops for the elementary school. We also decided to buy some fleece material and have the church kids help make blankets for the shut ins. Which brings me to today. Emily and I (the pastor's wife) went and bought the fabric today and went to the mall. Then we ate lunch while we were out. Ryan wanted a hot dog but when the lady came and took our order I ordered grilled cheese. So I promised him we'd have hot dogs for supper. My stomach can not handle hot dogs anymore. I don't know what I get, maybe indigestion or something, but I feel so gross after eating them. Just thinking about it right now makes me want to vomit! Usually if I take a rolaid or drink some mylanta or whatever it is beforehand I can ward off most of the discomfort but not tonight! I've been burping that hot dog since I ate it! But anyway, so Ryan kept asking Miss Emily if she was coming back to our house to play. So she did and when I went to pick up Hannah from school I dropped her off at home. So I was standing outside the school waiting for Hannah to come out to me and she never did. All the other kids were coming and going....no Hannah! Then one of the teachers at the door reminded me that today was the Good News Club so she was with them. I had totally forgot about it. I didn't realize they would send her just because we went last month but oh well. So Ryan and I went down to the cafeteria where all the kids were. Ryan was being a grouch because he didn't get a nap since Emily was there playing. So they ate their snack and then went into the gym and played a few games and then the guest speaker, a local pastor, talked to the kids. I was kinda nervous about that because I know he isn't baptist (at least I dont' think he is) but what he talked about was right on what we believe. They practiced a Bible verse, sang some songs. He read Eph 2:8 "For by grace are you saved thru faith, that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God." He talked about how salvation is a gift from God, we can't do anything to earn it or get it on our own. Stuff like that. I was very comfortable with what he was saying until it came time for the invitation. That's when I started getting nervous because I knew that Hannah was going to try to go forward or whatever. So they did the whole every head bowed and eyes closed and he asked the kids who want to accept Jesus to raise their hands and of course like half the group raised their hands, including Hannah! I didn't know what to do after that! They all lined up and he took them into a different room, I guess to talk about it more. I pulled Hannah aside and asked her if she knew why they were leaving or what they were doing. She said no, she just wanted to go with them! So I told her she wasn't going. She clearly didn't understand and I tried to talk to her more about it in the car and she just didn't get it. So at first I said we might not be going back to the good news club because I didn't like the way they did the invitation but she started crying so I decided going back wouldn't be a bad idea, I just told her not to raise her hand during the invitaion. I have been very impressed with the whole program overall. Anyway, that whole part was more for mom than anyone because I want to know what she thinks about the whole thing. I'm sure we'll keep going back but I'll probably stay every time so I can monitor what is being said. So we ate supper, took a bath, Hannah read to me and Iread to them and they are in bed now. Brad still isn't home. Tonight is biggest loser and I have leftover pretzel salad that is calling my name! =)


  1. I believe the Gideon's (maybe) or CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) is who puts on those programs. I am glad you did not let Hannah go back and talk to him. At that age, you can talk a kid into any profession you want to get out of them. Especially when their friends are all doing it! And, I believe it is a great idea for you to monitor what is being taught every week. I am glad he taught that salvation is a gift of God and not received because you are good or have done this or that. That is a step in the right direction. As long as the school is allowing this program to happen, I say support it, with extreme caution! You did well today!
    Love you,

  2. Go sis! There will come a time when it will all kinda click I think or at least she will start to ask questions. That is what Michael does and I take time to explain everything that he asks. But questions about hell and dying and Jesus have only started in the last year. I'm proud of you, you are such a great mom!! Love and miss you so much!

  3. Wow, what a good mom. I would have no idea what to do in that situation! I love listening to you go through things first so I can learn. :-)
    (By the way, Michael can't stand hot dogs either. Fine with me - when it comes down to it, there's not much good for you in them anyway.)

  4. Thanks ladies! I'm glad you all feel like I did the right thing, I think I did too!

  5. I knew how they did the invitation. I never thought to tell you. My kids aren't in it anymore, so I don't think about. The first year they were though, I was there at the end and saw that and was like "Whoa, wait a minute!!" And I remember seeing Stephen Booth go with everyone. There were tons of kids and I KNOW they were just like Hannah. They just wanted to go cause others were. They didn't know what they were doing. You did good!! (by the way, when Lisa came to pick him up after I told her and she was like "What?" I think he was in kindergarten then too.)
