Sunday, February 28, 2010

Stomach virus

If you came to our house right now you would never know that less than 24 hours ago Hannah was throwing up in the truck and running to the bathroom every few minutes! She only vomited twice but she said that whenever she laid down it felt like it was coming up so she kept getting up and running to the bathroom. I think the last time I got up it was like 3am. I went to bed super early (like 9pm). The kids were already in bed but I had let Hannah get back up and sit on the couch since she felt like she needed to throw up while she was laying down. Brad helped her in the bathroom for the first time ever! Love him! So when he came to bed at 1 (we slept in super late that morning since the kids were at mamaw's) and Hannah came in like 2 minutes later, I told him to go to bed and I'd get up with her from then on. I'm glad she only got up a handful of times after that. So daddy stayed home with her this morning and Ryan and I went to church. This is Ryan's second week in SS. At first we says he doesn't want to do anything but once we get into the lesson he cooperates. I loved having him alone in class. We took our time and I could focus completely on him. He did so well on our papers too. He was able to circle the right things but his coloring needs a lot of help!! =) I think it is pretty typical of boys to just scribble and get it done as fast as they can, tho. When we got home I asked him who keeps us safe and he said "the good guys!" Also, the tile in the kitchen is coming along nicely! I think our kitchen will be back in commission by Mon evening (Brad isn't going out of town till Tues but might be gone till Sat!!) I heard that the mall has a new place with all those inflatables so we might go there one evening. Hannah got green at school the entire month of Feb (that means she didn't get in trouble for talking or not doing what she is told or whatever) so I want to do something fun with her.


  1. I'm so glad Hannah is feeling better. And a MONTH of greens? That's amazing!!

  2. Yea, the coloring wont improve much for a while! At school Michael still colors like garbage but when we color here he does very well. Has something to do with rushing through it I am sure! Glad Hannah is feeling better and glad we didn't get the garbage but hope you and the rest of the fam don't get it either!! Love you!

  3. WOW! Y'all are just havin' a time with the sickies, aren't you?!! :( Hope things improve and especially that no one else gets the stuff! Welcome to the school-age sicknesses! :(

  4. I just saw that inflatable place in the mall when we were there Sunday. What a great idea!
