Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Slow day!

Today started out just like yesterday....dreary, tired, blah and SLOOOOOW! I only managed to get the laudnry put away that I folded last night, get the kitchen cleaned up, and clean the kids' bathroom b/c Ryan was begging me to play with him. So we played with all the great toys cousin Michael gave him and then played hungry hippos and the pinball game cousin Michael gave him. Finally it was 10:45 and time to go to story time! After that it was lunchtime and naptime. Today is the second day in a row that he has actually slept during naptime! So I decided to go in Hannah's room and survey the wallpaper border damage I had started last week and never finished b/c it wasn't coming off very easily. I never should have started on that. It has turned into another make over nightmare! I ended up using fabric softener/water mixture and letting it set for awhile and if did start to come off some but not easily. I've been using a metal spatula to scrap it off! The wall is getting messed up in some spots b/c the wallpaper is so stuck to the wall and b/c I have to scrap sooo hard in some spots. I didn't get it completely finished tonight. Right now I smell like I took a bath in fabric softener and Hannah's room is a disaster! My fingets are so sore too from trying to rip the paper off. The whole house is a disaster b/c I let the kids play too long before taking a shower and didn't have time to make them go back and clean up all their messes before bedtime. Oh well. The mess will still be there tomorrow. I probably won't get much done tomorrow either b/c I am meeting some of the ladies from church for lunch and then I have to get groceries. Blah. But on the bright side, it is supposed to start getting warmer!!


  1. Tuesdays are so blah, aren't they? Projects are already started, but not finished; weekend is far away; still tired from having too much fun on the weekends. At least tomorrow is Wednesday - the day before Brad gets home, right? :-)
    My Tuesday was brightened by waking up to a very sweet and encouraging email from my sister in law. I've been in a happy mood all day because of it. :-) I love you, Liz!

  2. Sis, wish I would have read your comment about wallpaper earlier. We had to take off four walls of wallpaper that was about 40 years old. They must have used hard core glue back then because we had to use a steamer and a putty knife to go over the entire walls but it worked, just a long process. We tried the spray stuff and the fabric softener but it just didn't work. Next time remember: putty knife and clothes steamer!

  3. I'm glad to hear that about the email. I was feeling like it wasn't as helpful as I thought it would be when I was typing it!! Yes, not only is Wed hump day, but it's the day before Brad comes home! =)

  4. Be glad for the sloooow days! Especially while the kids are still home! When they are gone, they are gone for good! I miss you all!
