Tuesday, March 9, 2010

waiting on Brad

Today has been a fun day. I knew the weather was going to be extra nice so I planned on doing several things around the house before taking Ryan out to play. I paid bills, cleaned the kitchen, did 3 loads of laundry and took them out to hang on the line one by one and swept the floors. I just love hanging clothes out on the line! All the while Ryan was following me around wanting to help and asking me if we could go out now. But I noticed he was kind of moping around, moving a little slowly. He's been coughing again so I've used the inhaler twice today and his nose has been running so I think he's just feeling alittle down with a cold. Around 10 I was finally done with my stuff and ready to take him outside. He saw that Megan was out (g-ma's dog) and immediately went over and knocked on her door. Normally he just wants to give her a hug and then go play. Not today. He went in and didn't want to go back out! So we hung out at her house until noon when it was time to start thinking about a nap. I went home to get another load out on the line and fix our lunch and took it back over to her house to eat it. She's been sick for a week or 2 so we've been staying away snd it was nice to go over and visit today. She noticed he was acting like he didn't feel good or was being lazy or something too. He took a good nap (another sign that something wasn't right) and I had to wake him up to go get Hannah. He was definently perkier after his nap. So we went and got McD's and went to a park in Eleanor and were there for 2 hours. When we came home the kids finished eating and played outside awhile longer while I got all the clothes off the line and washed the truck. It was long overdue for a bath! Then while they took a shower together (Hannah likes to wash Ryan off) I folded all that laundry and when the kids were done they helped me put their stuff away. I let them do the socks and undies b/c I dont care if it is just thrown in! Then we read and it was off to bed! I was ready to sit down tonight! And thinking about a bowl of cereal now.


  1. You sure didn't get that "lovin' to hang clothes out on the line" from me! :)

    Great pictures again! Can you e-mail them to me?
    Love you!

  2. I love the pictures! You have SUCH beautiful kids, Liz. :-)

  3. Hanging laundry isn't my cup of tea either but it should be since I have to hang most of our dress clothes anyway. Terrys shirts are so long and hard to find that I have to hang most of them so they don't shrink and become too short. My maternity dress pants cant be dried either because I like them long so I end up hanging all of our dress clothes up on hangers inside so maybe I'll just move it all outside when it is nice out!

    Oh yea, great pics too! You have the hams! They love the camera!
