Monday, April 12, 2010

Big plans, small sucess

I had big plans to get all my housework done today but, like always, I didn't get any of it done! I remembered that we had movies that needed returned to Redbox , which is at walmart, that we had forgot to take back over the weekend. And since I would have to go to walmart one day this week to get groceries I dec ided to do it all today. Well, about half way home and 2 1/2 hours later, I realized I had forgot to return the movies!! So I have to go back to walmart tomorrow and I won't get much done then either. Now I have a headache and really want to go to bed when the kids go but there are 2 loads of laundry staring at me on the other end of the couch, part of which is the sheet off my bed and all the pillowcases so I really need to do that laundry. And I have food cooking for my sneaky chef recipes that I have to do somthing with. I swept the floors last night but grandma cut our grass yesterday too and now the house is covered with grass....I'm still thankful that she cut the grass tho b/c the kids were starting to get lost in it!

Hannah got her report card today. She continues to excel in kindergarten, according to her teacher.