Thursday, April 29, 2010


I had big plans to get lots done today since Brad was coming home. I like him to come home to a clean house b/c I think it is just plain less-stressful if it is clean! If you recall, in my last post I said that is was really late when the kids got in bed and I was expecting problems out of Hannah. But she didn't give me any trouble getting up. Ryan, on the other hand, was a total bear all morning. I couldn't get anything done. So around lunchtime when I was taking trash down to the road and hanging a load of laundry out on the line, I gave up and said we could stay out there. Grandma saw us and came out to say hi. That was the end of that! He wanted to eat at her house so I made him a corndog and took some turkey lunchmeat over and we all ate lunch together. Not long after that I decided it was time for grouchy pants to take a nap. I woke him up awhile later so we could get Hannah. We walked with grandma-one mile short of 2 miles-and went home so I could start super. The kids were super tired and ready for bed at 7. so I thought!! Between the two of them I bet they yelled or needed something a dozen or more times! So I haven't heard them for half an hour and it's 20 after 9. Oh, well, I just heard Hannah yelling she's hungry. Daddy's going this time so hopefully it will be the last time!


  1. Did you mean that you walked one "lap" short of 2 miles? :) You all hang out with Brad's grandma lots! I know it is good for her! Selfishly, I wish it was me you were hanging out with instead of her, tho! :(

  2. oh yeah, I did mean one lap short of 2 miles! I wish it were you sometimes too but I think she needs us more than you do! We've had that conversation before. Besides, if you were here, you'd be working still (probably), always doing church lessons, playing on the computer. You had a lot going on! She has no one and nothing really but the tv. Love you. God has a plan even if we don't get it! Another thought I just had-apparently God thinks someone down there needs you more than I do!=)
