Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday, Friday

I had an appt this morning to get the truck tires aligned. Ryan and I had to hang out there until it was done. He was so good! Yes, that is surprising. When we went into the service part of the dealership there were several cars on the lifts and he just loved it. We would have stayed back there and just watched the guys work but they wanted us to wait out front in the main part of the dealership. So we went outside and he picked out his truck. =) It's blue, imagine that. That's all he cares about. Any day you ask him about "his" truck, one thing is always the same, it will be blue. I read from a highlights magazine for awhile and he played with his car and army man for awhile. After about an hour of roaming around and what-not the guy came out and told me they couldn't do the alignment b/c there was something else wrong. He explained it all to me and said "$750" and I gave him Brad's numbers and told him to call him and tell him all that. We had been texting back and forth for awhile before that but, of course, when the guyu called, Brad didn't answer either phone. So I took the truck and told him I'd have Brad call when I got a hold of him. So now we are debating trading the truck in on something else or just fixing the problem and hoping it doesn't have any other problems. We have to decide something soon so one of my tires doesn't fall off while I'm driving down the road or something! Anyway, then Ryan and I had to go to walmart to get groceries. Once again he was surprisingly well-behaved. He's going thru the stage that whenever you tell him no or discipline him in any way he acts like you killled him and throws a tantrum. I just ignore him mostly and he quits. So it was almost 1 when we got out of walmart. He was rubbing his eyes and yawning the whole way home so Iknew for sure he was going down for a nap at some point. After we got Hannah from school that's exactly what he did! Hannah and I played a game and then did our own thing. Brad is on call this evening so I knew we wouldn't be doing anything. The kids played so well together all night. They were pretending like there were tigers in our room, playing games, wrestling and just laughing and making us laugh. I don't know why everyone was so good all day but I like it!! So finally at nine I put them to bed. Now I'm thinking about going to bed.


  1. Don't you love days like that? Where everyone is on the same wavelength - a happy one! :-)

  2. Yes, those were the days! However, the only time I really had problems with you kids was when you were cooped up in the house together! Love those sunny days! :)
