Tuesday, May 4, 2010

just another day

I have stayed busy today. Yesterday I decided I would try doing some cleaning in the evening so I could focus on Ryan more during the day but I don't think that is going to work. By the time the kids go to bed I am exhausted! By 7 am I've been up 13 hrs and don't really feel like cleaning anything! Can you blame me?! I certainly don't blame the people I know who get up even earlier than I! So I'm back to my old routine of seeing how much cleaning I can cram into the first 5 hours of the day. Today I managed to get two loads of laundry out on the line and get the living room and kitchen cleaned up then I swept the woodfloors. I promised Ryan that when I was done sweeping we'd go down to the track and ride our bikes. Brad's g-ma was having her teeth pulled and dentures so I knew we wouldn't see her most of the day so we didn't even wait on her. Let me just say, loading the dogs and bikes into and out of and back into and back out of the truck is a job in itself!! My back is always killing me afte that. Anyway, 5 laps on my bike with the dogs jogging beside me (for the most part) and then 2 laps of speedwalking with the dogs walking beside me and we were done. Then it was lunchtime. I didn't make Ryan take a nap today. He was being good. I forget what we did after that. After we got Hannah from school, she had to stay in her room and clean it and Ryan and I went outside. I got the ladder out of the building and was going to clean out the gutters when grandma came out. So we ended up sitting on the porch for almost 2 hours until it was time to come in so I could fix supper.

Before bed Hannah brought me a couple books that she wanted to read to me. She always brings home a book every week from school that focuses on the words and sounds they are learning that week that they read there and then she has to read here. She does well but sometimes it's just from memory. I have to remind her to read the words and not make up stuff or try to do it from memory. Anyway, so she brought me a couple of our books that she wanted to read me. She did so well. I'm so proud of her. She has the most trouble with words that have "b" "d" or "p" in them. She gets so confused. Sometimes she knows right away which letter is which but sometimes she just can't get it. So we've been working extra hard on those letters. But I was so proud of her tonight. Overall she is doing super with her reading. And she actually let me paint her fingernails and toenails tonight!

After the kids went to bed I cleaned their bathroom and now I'm DONE. I ate a bunch of pineapple that I cut up today and my mouth, lips and gums started burning real bad. I dont know what happened there but I hope it doesn't happen every time b/c that junk was good! Maybe I shouldn't have eaten so much of it.


  1. Wow! I'm so proud of Hannah's reading. She is so smart. :-)
    I'm proud of you too - you've been a super speedy cleaner - good for you!

  2. Even tho pineapple is sweet, it has citric acid and you probably just ate too much! I LOVE pineapple!!!! It is hard NOT to eat too much!

  3. Michael and Kara are just like you two - they drink pineapple juice straight. I think that's crazy!
