Saturday, October 16, 2010

good news

Turns out I was right about Patches. She has an abcessed anal gland. If you don't know about anal glands, you should look it up, even tho I know you won't! =) We are going to try antibiotics and see if that will take care of the problem and if not I'll have to take her back and do what they wanted to do today, which is sedate her and express the anal glands and get them cleaned out. I'm glad she's not dying! I knew it all along but I get a little worked up sometimes. Don't we all over things we love?! Thanks for the prayers!


  1. Oh thank goodness!!!

  2. YAY!!!!!!

    Yep! We tend to over-react concerning things with our loved ones!

  3. I'm so glad it's nothing serious. :-) She's such a sweetie - I'm glad she's not suffering.
