Friday, October 15, 2010

I'm dying here!!!

Ok, most of you won't care about this or even understand why it bothers me so but I found a spot on my dog's rear this afternoon that is definently not normal!! (I'm hoping for an abcessed anal gland and not cancer or anything crazy) Pray for my Patches!! I've been feeling sick to my stomach ever since and I will until I get her checked out. You all know how I am about my animals. Especially my dogs!! Not only is Patches a really good girl who was one of my first "kids" but we don't have so much extra money these days with a baby on the way. I have a feeling I might need some of that $300 I paid my dr on Moday back!! She has an appt tomorrow so if you think about us between now and then, say a prayer for her! =) Thank you!


  1. I certainly will pray for your sweet doggie. And I'll pray you are settled. God is in control, just remember that.

  2. AWWW! Not Patches! Will pray it is NOTHING severe as cancer!

  3. Praying that all is okay. I totally know how you feel! I love my furry babies too!
