Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I love my boys of fall!!

Looking just like his daddy!!

If you listen to country music I'm sure you've heard the song "The Boys of Fall." I don't know who sings it but he is talking about high school football. Around here we have a different type of "fall boys." I'm sure the pictures say it all! Ryan is going to be a hunter just like his daddy. They enjoyed an evening alone last night while Hannah and I enjoyed an evening alone at home. While we were playing barbies and coloring and reading books, they were sitting out in the woods. I know how important these times are for both the kids.
So tonight we are switching kids. Hannah has been so excited all day about getting to go out with daddy alone tonight. They are going to McD's and to get Hannah a halloween costume. Ryan isn't too excited about spending the evening alone with me since we spend every day alone together! So he's playing on the computer while his corndog cooks. Who knows what the rest of the evening will hold for us. Maybe a movie or just playing outside.


  1. LOVE the pictures! What a good daddy, Brad is!

  2. Yay for good parents!! Your kids are truly blessed. :-)
