Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Need to ramble...

Today was a pretty good day, nothing interesting happened. Now I'm just feeling the need to ramble. As you can tell, I'm feeling pink tonight. =)

I decided first thing this morning that Ryan and I were going to go to the mall today. I knew the sun was supposed to finally come out and I just wanted to get out of the house. This week has been especially rough for Ryan and I in the house. He's been unusually mishievious, shall we say. And I didn't want to spend another day yelling at him! I think this winter is going to be a long one for us. But I also had a few things that I needed to here first. So as soon as we got back from taking Hannah to school, I gave the dogs a bath, cleaned up the laundry room and washed their blankets and towels. Then I took a shower and by 9:30 we were out the door!

We went to Gabriel Bro's first. I don't go there often but when I do, I usually find some good deals. We all know I'm the queen of good deals! =) Todays deals came in the form of a neutral swaddler for $1! The package was all ripped up so I was able to take the swaddler out and inspect it. It's in perfect condition. So thanks to someone's inconsideration, I got a good deal! I didn't have one with the other two so I really want to give it a try this time. I also got a pack of 4 nice baby wash clothes for $2.99, neutral, I might add. I'm finding that a lot of neutral baby things look more boyish but I don't care! I don't want to know what I'm having. It's the last thing I can do for myself before I never get to do it again. I bought a few other things there and then went to Target. All I needed was my chewy prenatal vitamins that I can't find anywhere else. I told Ryan I only needed one thing and then we could go to lunch. Of course., after I got in there I had to say, "can we just go look at one more thing?" He said yes. What a gentleman. Hopefully I'm teaching him to be a patient man while his wife spends hours saying, "I need to look at one more thing." =) I'll have you know I didn't buy anything else except a box of Boo Berry marshmallow cereal that was sitting right at the end of the register. Sneaky people! Ryan has been obsessed with ghosts and stuff, that's the main reason I got them but I'm excited to try them later. We went to Steak and Shake for lunch. Then we went to the mall. Ryan thinks that when we go to the mall the only thing we are going to do is play in the play area. I told him I had a store I wanted to go in first and if he was good, then we'd go to the play area. I didn't find anything good in Old Navy, where they are having an extra 50% off already reduced summer clothes. So we went to the play area. By this time it was already a few minutes after one so I knew we'd be having to leave to go get Hannah soon.

After getting Hannah, the kids played outside for awhile and then daddy came home. On time, for a change! We all ate supper together around the table. It was nice for a change. Usually daddy isn't home so I sometimes let the kids sit in front of the tv.

In school news, Hannah has been having an off week. Her teacher called me one evening and said that Hannah was coming to class late every morning so she needed to be there earlier so she'd have time to eat breakfast. I was surprised because I feed Hannah at home and take her to school with just barely enough time before the bell rings! So I found out that she has been going in and eating breakfast again! I had to get onto her about that last year too!

Also, for the past two days she has forgot to bring home her folder! For those who don't know, they have a folder with a keep and return pocket in it. That is how her homework and papers and other stuff gets back and forth. So for the past two days I haven't gotten anything. I do know she had homeowrk yesterday. So I dont' know what's going on there! I told her if she forgot it tomorrow she would be grounded. I don't know if she's doing it on purpose.