Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Another Christmas has come and gone. I have to say I'm kinda bummed about it. It seems like we spend so much time buying stuff, decorating, going to tons of parties and then the big day comes and it's all over in like half an hour! Now all we have left is a big mess and toys that don't fit anywhere! Don't get me wrong, I love everything about Christmas. I guess that's why I wish it would last longer! I was telling Brad earlier that it will be next Christmas before we can even blink. Ok, I know it won't be here that quick but it will be here before we know it! Well, we had a good time while it lasted. Now I'm ready for Monday so I can get this house cleaned up and get into the kids' rooms and get rid of some old toys. Hopefully with Hannah being home this week, I'll be able to do all the things I want. We'll see......


  1. Repeat after me....DO NOT try to go through and get rid of old toys with the kids THERE! You MUST do this while they are AWAY! They will say, "NO I play with that all the time" and "Don't get rid of THAT!!" and "but I love that"

  2. Yeah, I learned that along time ago! Mamaw said we could bring everything out there because she doesn't have many older toys for the kids so I'm hoping that will make it ok to get rid of lots!!

  3. That is a good compromise! Let mamaw deal with it! :D Christmas didn't seem like Christmas at all for us with no one around. Just another day!
