Thursday, May 26, 2011

pity party for me

Yesterday I had a headache that just got worse and worse as the morning went on. By 11 I had already taken 5 ibuprofen and was getting no relief. I started feeling sick to my stomach and had a fever. It was 75* in our house and I just couldn't get warm. My whole body was aching. Sounds like I have the flu, huh? I slept for 2 hours on the couch and eventually felt some better. It's a good thing, too, because I had volunteered to take a meal to a family in the church who just had a baby. I didn't feel too bad the rest of the evening. I think all those ibuprofens started working at the same time! Around 10:00 the baby and I went to bed. I tossed and turned all night because when I would roll onto my side, it hurt my "milkers" as my sister lovingly called them whenI texted her at 4:45am! I got up around 3:45 because Abigail normally wakes up at 4am to eat and I could tell I had a fever so I got out the ear thermometer and it read 103.3*. Yeah, I felt that bad. Then it hit me all the sudden...tender milkers, red blotches, had to be mastitis or something. So I got out my nursing book and read about it. That was my diagnosis. Who knew something like that could make you feel so horrible?! Every joint and not joint on my body has been super achy all day. The dr called in an antibiotic that I have to take 4 times a day. I hope it doesn't take long to kick in.

Also, after I read what I could do for it at home, I got out the breast pump that my sister let me borrow. I was using it in the dark and I started hearing a weird noise. Turns out the milk was being sucked thru the tubing and back into the pump. Not good, I know! That's why I was texting her so early. I just wanted to cry. I'm glad she is the best sister in the world!

So all day I've been trying to nap when the baby naps but it is always time for something (lunch) or someone needs me. I did finally get an hour nap right before time to get Hannah but that has already wore off and I need another one!

Daddy is working late tonight so I will have to do everything....cook, baths, read...normal it's no problem but today I just feel up to it.

Thanks for listening to me complain!


  1. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. :-( I wish I was closer to help. What about grandma next door? I think it's time to call in a favor!

  2. This too shall pass - hang in there! When you have a new baby and when you are also feeling sick there's no shame in going into "survival" mode.

    The kids will survive without baths. A frozen pizza and some carrot sticks is a balanced meal. A video before bedtime can replace reading time (call it Family Movie Night and you're golden!).

    Lots of water to drink, lots of hot (decaf) tea, lots of resting. DON'T worry about what your house looks like, DON'T sign up to do anything else right now, whether school or church.

    This is my certified counseling advice for you. You can tell everyone that your counselor wrote you an excuse note. ;)

    Thinking of you and praying for you and Abigail today!

  3. Take Karen's advice! But seeing as how this was written yesterday, I sure hope you are feeling better today! Love you and praying for you!

  4. I hope you're feeling better!
