Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Things I love...

While standing in the shower this morning I started thinking about all the things I love. Don't ask me why! Here are just a few things on my list:

  1. The smell of Pampers diapers

  2. Hearing daddy say, "Listen to your mother." or "Don't talk to your mother that way." Most usually directed towards our son!

  3. The smell of fresh cut grass

  4. Hearing the kids play and laugh happily together

  5. The smell of a baby, as long as there isn't a dirty diaper involved

  6. Walking in the woods

  7. When Brad runs his hands thru my hair...or Hannah

  8. Seeing daddy interact with his kids

  9. A hot shower

  10. Sleep, which has been hard to come by these days

So what do you love?


  1. Awww, I love Vicky's answer! I also love the smell of fresh cut grass and babies! And especially the sound of my kids getting along! I also love a baby's laugh.
