Thursday, April 5, 2012


I am not sure how this post is going to turn out. I'm just thinking out loud here. I was just reading my dear sister in law's blog and she always has a way of getting me thinkin'. She seems to know herself inside out. You can ask her any question about anything and she has an answer. I, on the other hand, have never been a deep thinker and don't spend much time thinking about who I am inside and what I believe about any subject or anything.

~Let me stop right here and say this has nothing to do with her being a deep thinking or anything.~

For example: Am I an all or nothing type of gal or all about moderation? Until today I had never really thought about that. I just do (or don't do) things a certain way and that's that. No need to think about it, right? Well, maybe, but I suppose sometimes it is good to think about the things that don't normally pop into your head. I would never come up with that question on my own. I actually like when I learn or realize something about myself that I never thought of before. I think it can be a way God talks to us.

So today, Jess D, thanks for teaching me that there is a reason nothing ever gets finished on the first attempt around here. Is it something I should work on? I don't know yet. It certainly doesn't upset me that every time I start laundry, I am moving it the chair at the end of the day and adding it to my list for tomorrow. Which is another thing I don't do: lists!


  1. I love you Elisabeth!! :-)
    As you can see, I'm striving to be more like you!

  2. Liz, you learned it honestly.....from me. I am always starting a project but never finishing it.............or at least not right then! I cannot do one project at a time! I get bored with it too easily! I have to have lots of things going on at once! I think that is why I was so good at my job at Amos.....tons of stuff to get done all at the same time! :D
