Friday, May 11, 2012

Offically offical

Well, I have debated for a long time about writing this post. I want it to be out there but never knew the right way to go about it and didn't want to be judged by all my home school friends who read this. Now that the school year is basically over and things are official, I guess it is time to get it out! We have requested that Hannah repeat 2nd grade next year. She had a very hard year this year. I am blaming a lot of it on her teacher but I also know that I should have initiated more communication with her. After we put her on ADD medication (after thorough testing) she made a remarkable turn-around in her ability to focus and get her work done. Her grades didn't improve much but her ability to work made great strides. For the first half of the year we didn't know what was going on. Once we found out she was spending half an hour of extra time working on her papers every day and still hardly getting her name wrote on her paper, we decided we had to do something about it. She was loosing recess everyday and the work was just piling up, therefore she was getting horrible grades. Homework took us hours and included lots of crying from her and I. All she would say was, "I can't." For the first 5 months we thought she just wasnt' trying. After further questioning and proding from her dr we found out she really couldn't! Her mind was constantly racing and she just couldn't get anything down on paper. I felt like a horrible mother for not knowing something was wrong. I was against medication at first but realized quickly that there was no other answer for her. Her teacher obviously wasn't going to change anything to help her, Hannah was already going to special classes to get one on one help from other teachers and there just wasn't anything else to do for her except let her fail or try the meds. Praise the Lord she didn't have any reactions and they didn't make her a zombie or anything crazy like you hear. It has been the best thing for her. She never has homework bc she finishes in class. Like I said, her grades didn't improve that much and she is still a slow reader. That is why we decided it would do more harm than good to send her on to third grade. I had the final meeting earlier this week with the principal and her teacher. Her teacher said that in 30 yrs of teaching she has never had one parent request to have a child held back. I believe that bc it was such a hard choice! I was undecided for a long time. I was in earnest prayer about it for probably a month. I never felt the Lord telling me what was right. I talked to other teachers and parents and even got advice from my parents! Brad and I talked about it more than once. He really wanted her to go on. I didn't but went with his final decision since he is the leader of the house and I know he had been praying about it as well. I just kept asking God why He wasn't telling me what was best. So I sent the note to school saying she could go on. I knew while I was writing it that it was the wrong choice. For a week I fought with myself about it. And then suddenly I knew God had been telling me what we should do just through my gut feelings and insticts as Hannah's mother. I said to Brad, "I have to change my mind. Going on is the wrong choice." He wasn't mad or anything. I think secretly he knew it was the right choice also. You don't know the feeling I had after our meeting was over the decision was offically offical. =) It was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. A burden gone. I learned to trust my instinct as a way God talks to me. Of course, I don't think every time I have a feeling, it is God saying something to me. My gut can still be wrong but in this case I don't think it is!!


  1. what do I have to do to get a stinkin' paragraph?! Obviosly "enter" doesn't create one anymore, even tho it shows paragraohs while I'm typing.

  2. I am so proud of you!! I think that is such a mature decision and one that comes from being such a wonderful mother. Doing what the Lord feels is right for your child NO MATTER WHAT is so admirable. I completely support your decision.
    Good job, Liz. :-)
    By the way, she was the absolute youngest in the class - she may not have been ready for the grade she was in anyway.

  3. I know that was SO hard, but honestly you made a great decision. Only YOU know what is best for YOUR child! And by the way, 3rd grade is the HARDEST elementary year. They learn SO much in a short time during that year and it would've been hard for her, I'm sure. They learn all their multiplication tables, write more stories, and although D & K didn't do this, when Alex was in third grade - he had to learn the parts of the eye, memorize all the bones in the body, the muscle system, multip to 12's, he had multiple projects and outside assignments, etc..... Who will she have next year for 2nd? And who are the third grade teachers now? Because if it is still Hudson and Hedrick when she does move on to third, you do NOT want Hudson!!! You MUST request Hedrick. I know she's old and past retirement age, but she is SO much better than Hudson. Hudson is awful and will not help her at ALL!!!

  4. Thx ladies! She will have Brewer next yr. I have already talked with her briefly and she was in a meeting Cobb and some if the other teachers had concerning Hannah so she is familiar with the situation and I think she will be great! Mrs Raczok time ne that if I have any concerns I should hold her back and every teacher I talked to said 3rd grade is sooo hard. I'm glad we will have another year to prepare for it. She will be one of the oldest thus yr and Im hoping her confidence will skyrocket from doing it again. But, Hannah did voice her concern about possibly being with the same boy who was in her class a few years ago who bullied her. Remember that, Steph? I pray not, tho!

  5. I do remember that! Maybe he won't be in her class! I don't know Brewer, so I can't give you any advice on her. Praying it all goes well. So Cobb is who she had this year? That explains a lot. :(

  6. This post is a homeschooling mom but I thought it might encourage you anyway - you are a mom, you know your child, don't let anyone tell you different! Hugs to you AND Hannah!

  7. I'm glad that is settled and you know we support you in this decision! Love you!
