Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The world goes round....

...too fast! The last week has seemed like a whirlwind around here but I have several positives that I want to mention.

. I managed to get most of my clothes to the consignment sale on Friday. Somehow I also managed to leave a handful of items in the closet. Thankfully, they restock this evening so I can take what was left.
. For those wondering, as of last night, I have already made $50. That is after their 30% and the $8 fee to sell things to begin with.
. Saturday was the first soccer practice for Hannah and Ryan. Ryan played last winter but this is Hannah's first time. She is on a team with her BFF so she seems to like it. I was really worried that she would break down and refuse to go out on the field but she didn't! The next 10 Saturdays, and Friday evenings, are back to back soccer for us. I had no idea that you could totally change your outlook on a sport just by your kids playing it.
. Sunday was church and my birthday. Brad stayed home with the kids while I shopped the consignment sale's presale. If you take items to sell, you get to shop early. When I came home, they had baked a cake for me and Brad had cleaned the house. Just another reason why I love him. =)
. Hannah won the apple polisher award for her class this month. I don't know if this is right but I think one person from every class wins once a month for doing something nice. She had stayed in from recess 3 days in a row (just bc she wanted to) to help someone who had to stay in and finish their papers. She got to be line leader all day and read the announcements over the intercom this morning. I'm so proud of her! My first thought was that my child is repeating 2nd grade and they are letting her help someone with their work?! But I guess it went ok!
. Which brings me to my next point. I am so totally convinced that Hannah's teacher was her main problem last year. It actually makes me more mad now than it did while we were having all the problems with her last year. I don't think Hannah matured enough during the summer to change her completely this year. She told me the other day that she likes her teacher this year bc she takes her time, explains things more than one way and helps you if you need help. I'm just so impressed with how things are going this year. I understand that this is just the beginning of the year and the work will get harder but I really think we will be able to keep her off her meds. The testing we had done last year showed that she has ADD and I still believe that she does. But it doesn't need controlled with meds when you have a good teacher! And we can deal with it at home too. I just hope she gets a good teacher next year!
. Still to come in the next two weeks: ladies meeting, soccer, baby shower, church ice cream social/weiner roast, meeting at school, orthodontist appt...I could go on but I'm not by the calendar to see what I'm forgetting!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad Hannah is doing so well this year!! Something needs to be done about her previous teachers - how many kids each year have those teachers and end up not getting a fair chance? :-(
