Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I picked up my check for participating in the Kids Sale last week, along with the clothes that didn't sell (which I plan to give to certain friends who I know will need them this winter). I brought home $148! That is the best so far. Rememer, they get 30% and $8 just bc. Before they took their part, I made $224 and sold 112 items. It would have been nice to recieve all the money but I guess that's the price you pay...

We had a meeting with the school yesterday morning. It was a continuation of the meetings we were having last school year when Hannah was having a lot of trouble. It lasted maybe 5 minutes! The principal asked how she was doing in school (to her teacher-who only had good things to say about Hannah) and how she was doing at home bc of the difference she has made in school. We all expressed our relief of the change and went home!

Tomorrow we have a consultation with the orthodontist. Two of Hannah's baby teeth grind together when she chews so she chews like a camel to avoid the gringing. I talked to the dentist about it last month when she went for her cleaning and they recc I talk to an orthodontist about what should be done. I'm secretly hoping he wants to pull one of those baby teeth so the grinding will stop. I'll let you know how it goes! =)

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear school is going so well for Hannah! It sounds like she's exactly where she should be. :-) I bet her confidence is sky high!

    I wondered why orthodontists were in the picture these days. I'm SO hoping Kara won't need braces, but I guess time will tell.

    I miss you guys.
