Saturday, October 13, 2012

Looking back

Today Brad and I attended a wedding of church friends. Hannah and Ryan were in the wedding so I have spent a lot of time over the past week thinking about the wedding and hair and talking about how to behave during a wedding. And talking to the bride. Feeling all those feelings. Let's just say it has been on my mind. =) So today, after pictures, a beautiful wedding and reception, I asked Brad if he would ever want to go back 10 years ago. Ya know, to the excitement, romance, newness,and everything else you experience when you are first married. Not that there isn't still excitement, but you know. We both have loved the past 10 years and I would never change a thing but there is just something about having been married so long that is amazing. I often complain about how fast 10 years has gone by, but in reality, I don't want to go back and do it again. I love where we are now, what God has done for our family, even when things haven't been how I wanted them. I am so excited for the next 10 years with Brad and my kids. And to prove it, we both answered that we like the experience we have now and we wouldn't go back and start over just for the "feelings."


  1. Great post! I couldn't agree more. My 30s are WAY better than my 20s. Even though I was younger, thinner, the newness of marriage was exciting, etc., my life now ROCKS! I wouldn't go back for anything. :-)

  2. I was thinking about this the other day too. I guess it's been on my mind since we have a baby on the way. I love the way our relationship is now, and I can't wait to introduce this baby to our lives.

  3. Aww! I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm not in my 30's yet and I would go back to age 20 if I could take my current brain with me! =) Lisa, I'm so excited for you and Dan. You two are going to be great parents!
