Wednesday, February 20, 2013

slow down!

It's been another busy week, since I last posted. I think things may be slowing down finally!

Over the weekend, Brad apparently got tired of the house being a wreck so when the kids asked if they could go outside, his answer was, "we are going home and cleaning the house up." And that's just what we did. I think that was Sunday after church. We ate and spent a couple hours getting the house in order. I told the kids that from now on whatever they leave out, I will pick up after they go to bed and then they will have to do a chore for me in order to get it back. So far that is working! And their bathroom has been spotless for 2 weeks now, if not longer! If only I could get Abigail to do the same. =)

Her and I have spent the last few days with a cold. And she is teething. SO she has been a beautiful, slobbering, snotty mess! This back and forth weather is killing us!

I had parent/teacher conferences with both Hannah and Ryan's teachers. They both are continuing to do well. I had a messed up vision of how Ryan was going to do in school, being a boy, and all. I have always heard school isn't geared towards boys and they usually struggle with sitting still and things. Seams it is the opposite in our house! But I am so thankful that I decided to hold Hannah back. I haven't regretted it once. I have already talked with her teacher and the principal about what should happen next year and he let me request the teacher that her current teacher said would probably be best for her.

I have had children's church this month and in honor of Valentines Day, we have been talking about Love. What does the Bible say love is, God is love (I enjoyed writing "love letters from God" or verses about love on hearts and hiding them around the room for the kids to find. I think this was the week we made valentine cards for God too.), Loving our neighbor, and this week will be loving God. I can't wait to go over the manners we should have in church. None of the 6 kids we bring with us have grown up in any setting like church so they don't understand close your eyes and be quiet while we are praying, not standing on the pews, why we tithe and so much more! So I'm making that all part of showing we love God, because that is one thing they generally want to do.

I'm also excited for bible club tonight. We are talking about Job but this week we are focusing on mean ol' Satan. It really is eye-opening when you think about how all he wants to do is destroy us. We are going to talk about how to stand up to him as well. I am going to write "GOd's Word" really big on a piece of poster board. Give it to one person. The rest of us will be across the room with rolled up socks (different sins) and we have to be satan throwing sins at the person while the other person protects him/herself with the word of God. Then I will take away the word of God and see how well they can avoid the sins that Satan throws at them. =) They enjoy things like that and I think it gets the point across.

Ryan had a really bad week at soccer last week. He decided he wanted to quit because he is having a really hard time figuring out the different positions on the field. In the past, he has been in the youngest division where they don't teach the position and there is more just running around, chasing the ball. This season, since he turned 6 in Dec, he is with the older kids. I think everyone on his team has played in this division except him so he is the only one trying to figure out what to do in the position he is given. Anyway, we aren't letting him quit. We told him that if he doesn't want to play in the spring that is fine but we aren't quitting now. So we have been working really hard with him, drawing the soccer field on our dry erase board and showing the different positions and talking about them. We also scooted everything against the walls in the playroom and tried playing soccer on a much smaller scale. I think he might be finally getting it. I guess we will find out on Fri and Sat!

We also have an apt to take the dogs to the vet on Sat morning. That is a chore in itself! Brad is going with me for the first time ever. Since we have our tax return money, I;m hoping to get everything done now so we don't have to take them back until next year. That includes flea and hw meds! We have had a terrible time with fleas the past few years so I'm hoping to try something new. It won't be cheap...

Well, I think I have said enough!

Oh yeah, I got a new camera also. It is really nice and we got a great deal (about $100 off) because they were on sale but they didn't have anymore in stock so we bought the floor model. SO far I like it but I can't wait to get outside and take some good pictures with it!

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