Last year I made almost $500 by selling clothes and things that the kids had grown out of. I kept pretty close track of things just because I was curious how much I could make. So I decided this year, when I went shopping for the kids, I would only spend money I had made from selling things. When you have 3 kids, a budget of $500 a year might not seem reasonable. But I rarely, nearly never, buy anything full price. The reason for my shopping trip today was to find more winter clothes for them for this coming winter. I guess this is a challenge for myself this year. I want my clothing sales and purchases to balance each other out. I've never kept track of my spendings before so I think I am going to try it. I just came up with the idea and I have already sold at least $50 worth of clothes but I haven't been writing things down.
Poor Ryan, he always gets the shaft when it comes to clothes. I have such a hard time finding him things. I got these 4 shirts from walmart for a total of $6
I don't usually do well at target but today I found some great deals! The 3 shirts across the top for Abby totaled $5.40. The super cute journaling books for Hannah and her cousin, Shila, were $1 each. The easter Dots were $.30 each! and the the bags of easter chocolate were $.95 each! (I'm not counting anything but clothes against my clothing budget)
Everything in this picture came out of the 70% off easter section at Target. The little bath books on the top were $.15 each! All the little stuffed toys and the jack and jill rattle/teethers below them were $.29 each! The bottom row was $.49 each. Amazing! I am going to have a new niece in August who will love these toys.
I got all 7 of these shirts for Hannah at walmart for $1 each! Obviously, these weren't bought for winter but I couldn't pass up this deal. Hannah does not like dressing up so tshirts are right up her ally.
I paid $2 for each item in this picture at JCP. I got 2 of the flowery shirts because I wasn't sure which size would fit her now.
I paid $2 for the shirt for Hannah and $4 for the boots for Abby at Children's Place.
I paid $.49 for the first hat and the leg warmers and $.97 for the last hat.
I spent $7.49 on the 4 piece jammie set for Abigail and the jammies Hannah is wearing I paid $2.97 for.
THe closets are slowing filling up for next winter!
Amazing deals!! Wish I was there to clean up with you. ;-)