Sunday, April 14, 2013


It was 14 years ago today that my friend called me and asked if I would go out with Brad. I knew Brad because he had been trying to get me to go out with his best friend. I kept saying no and eventually the friend that called me said she would date Brad's best friend. A few weeks later I was washing dishes on a Wed night after church when she called me, asked me if I wanted to go out with Brad and gave me his number. Seems weird now but that's how it started for us! I will be forever grateful for that friend, altho I haven't talked to her since high school. God has a way of making things happen.

Yesterday we celebrated the birth of this little firecracker.

I always think of the dr's words to me when I was just 7 weeks pregnant. "You are probably going to miscarry." Then I think of all the people I know who have experienced this pain, and even more pain when it actually happens. I had to go back in 4 days after that devastating apt for them to check one more time for a heartbeat. I was heartbroken and those were the longest 4 days of my life but God had other plans for Brad and I and that little baby who became Abigail. I wondered how it was possible to love that little blob so much in just a week or two.

Now that little blob is the best little sister and baby of the family that anyone could ever ask for. I know, I'm biased. =)

And tomorrow is Brad's birthday. We both turn the big 3-0 this year. I just can't believe it. How did that happen?! I remember being that giddy little school girl, so head over heels in love with a boy that I didn't want to think or do anything else.

Today and every day, I'm so thankful for the life that GOd has blessed me with. I am so undeserving , yet He choses to bless me anyway.


  1. Congratulations! Praying God will continue to bless you and the family He's given you.

  2. Dan and I are just a little behind you. We started dating 13 years ago, and I'll turn 30 this year as well (Dan get to wait one more year).
    It sounds like you have a lot to celebrate this week! Have fun! :)

  3. None of us deserve the blessing of waking up every day, but God still blesses us with that, too! Love you!
