Wednesday, April 24, 2013

new perspective

I have always said I would love to homeschool and I go through phases where I wish I was, especially after Hannah's ADD issues last year. I just never have had the support from the one I need it from most-my husband. Then I have times where I say I am so glad I don't homeschool. You know how it is with anything, the grass is always greener on the other side; so you think.

Just a few minutes ago I was reading a post on fb from Family Talk with Dr. Dobson. It was about homeschooling and how great it is. Yes, it is great, when that is what you are called to. Then I got to feeling like I am doing my kids a disservice by not homeschooling. I scrolled down thru the comments and one jumped out that said something like this: God needs good Christian teachers and strong Christian students in public school.

Imagine a world where there where no Christian teachers or students in the public school system. These days it may not seem like they make a big difference but showing just one student or friend the love of Jesus is a big enough difference!

I am so encouraged by that! No, I will never homeschool but I can still raise my kids to have just as high of values and just as much God in their lives as those who do.

I'm praying I will never feel down in the dumps about sending my kids off to school again! And now I am on an even bigger mission to teach them that they need to be salt and light in a terribly wicked world.


  1. Good for you! I've never been on a kick (like a lot of home schooling families are) to convert everyone I see into home schoolers. I think every family needs to do what is best for them, what works, what God has called them to. I think everyone needs to walk their own path. Good for you for enjoying your calling.

  2. Never do something just because someone else does it. NEVER! Only do what God tells you to do.

    Some of us homeschooled because we KNEW God was telling us to homeschool. He left no doubts about it! In fact, in my case there was almost a Balaam's donkey experience to prove it. I won't elaborate. :)

    YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND are responsible for your children's education no matter what system you use: public, private, or homeschool. YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND can make any system work (key word being "work" because there is a lot of work involved in any system.) Only the two of you can decide the best way for your family to fulfill the obligations for the physical, mental, and spiritual training of your children.

    It would be so easy to say that "everyone should do something this way because this is how God told me to do it" but I do not see that kind of instruction in the Bible for all circumstances. For instance, God told Jacob to take his family to Egypt. God later told Moses to get that family out of there! So my question is, who was wrong about being in Egypt? Jacob? Or Moses? Well, neither. They were both doing the job that God told them to do.

    So God told my husband and me that we should homeschool. And he told Brad and you that you shouldn't. My advice (I'm assuming by your post that you are asking for advice and/or reassurance) is to do what God told you to do and not be concerned about what he tells others to do. (Which brings up the New Testament account of Peter asking Jesus what John will do, but you probably know that one already, too, so I won't elaborate on that one here either.) :)

    Again, do only what God is telling you to do. Never do something just because God told someone else to do it. He has specific plans for each of us.

  3. AMEN to what Jessica said and AMEN to what Gram said! And, I have another scenario to add to the mix. NEVER let someone tell you that you should be sending your kids to a Christian school! THAT, too, is something that God has to lead you to do. We really loved that we had the opportunity to send you all to a Christian school when we could. But, when we couldn't handle it financially, He showed us it was OK. I had a hard time with it at first, I won't deny that! Then, He gave us the opportunity to put you back in Christian school later on. Then, He moved us to WV and you attended public school again! I don't think any of you suffered because of it! You and Brad are ultimately responsible for the education of your children, as Gram said. As long as you stay involved and know what they are being taught, you can correct any errors or worldly philosophies that they may try to sneak in!
