Saturday, April 27, 2013

simple prayer

VBS is coming soon and we are already well into the planning stages of it. We are going to try something different this year with crafts. Normally the teacher is responsible for doing a craft with their own students each night. This year we are going to have a craft teacher who is responsible for doing crafts with everyone. That person would be me!!

I wanted to think of things that would not go home and go in the trash, never to be seen or thought of again. When I very first started thinking of things I could do (with the help of pinterest) I realized some of the projects I would love to do will be expensive for our small church (like ty-dying t shirts). I just began to pray that God would show me what was best for us to do and help me get everything worked out. Nothing major, I think I was in the car or something and had it on my mind and was just talking to God as if He was beside me.

I decided I would just keep my eye open for the next few months for any kind of deal I could find on anything in large quantities.

So there I was in Kmart, a few weeks later....I know where they "hide" all their clearance racks and I make frequent trips there to check just them. I had found a few things for the kids and was making my way to the check out lane when a big 4 for $1 sign caught my eye. Now you know I had to check that out! They had 9 tubs full of individual things that had come in packages (socks, underwear, T SHIRTS) but had been opened for whatever reason. That night I bought I bought 16 plain white t shirts for only $4!!!

I came home and told Brad God had answered a prayer of mine that evening. When I told him about what, he said, "That was a prayer request of yours?" I said yes, even the small things are worth being prayed about!

Well, fast forward about a month to today. Ryan had soccer, the girls stayed home with grandma next door. Ryan had to use the bathroom bad when we left the field so we stopped in Kmart so he could go and I could check the clearance racks while I didn't have the 2 year old. Not only do they have their winter clothes on clearance for $1.99, I found more of those 4 for $1 tubs! Guess what I bought?! 12 more white t shirts for a total of $3!! So I paid $7 for 28 shirts. God really does answer prayer! I guess that means we will be able to tie die those shirts after all! Thank you Lord for caring about the small things in my life! =)

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