Monday, August 12, 2013

single digits

My "little" girl is having a birthday this weekend! It will be her last single digit before the big 1-0!

The recent addition to the extended family has me going back to those days. The days of fear, anxiety and extreme love that comes with any child but especially the birth of baby number 1. The unknown can be overwhelming. I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. A small 8lb 5 oz, jaundiced little girl. She was a good baby. Sleeping thru the night and in her own bed by a couple months. She had her daddy wrapped from the beginning.

She is growing into a bossy, dramatic, yet compassionate young lady. She is so much help around the house. I think she feels the pressure of being the oldest and often proclaims her desire for an older brother!

I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for her. I often pray for nothing bad to ever come to my kids. I want to be able to shield them from everything. She is very sensitive and soft spoken. But I am learning it is more important to raise her up in a way that teaches her the love of God in any situation and show her that she can get thru any situation with God's help.

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