Friday, April 30, 2010
Old friends, good times
And I also was just informed that the kids bought flowers for me while they were out tonight. Pink and yellow tulips, I love them. I don't know if it was daddy's idea or the kids but I don't care! Hannah also just said there is a card somewhere but it is for mother's day so I have to wait to open it. =) Daddy said ,"Hannah, I told you not to tell her!"
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
wonderful, wonderful
After we got Hannah we went down to the track and walked and then the kids were begging to eat at grandma's house for supper so they did and then we rushed off to church. We stayed late so I could talk with Stephanie about more mother/daughter and VBS things. So the kids didn't get in bed until almost 9:30!! I hope Hannah does alright at school tomorrow!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
good day
Today has been a good day, all in all. I had an appt to take Sammy to the vet for her mad scratching and licking. Her allergies have been making us all crazy!! So she got a steriod inj and some antibiotics b/c of the sores on her belly. Hopefully she'll be all set.
Meanwhile, grandma was here having her house and ours inspected for termites. We knew she had them b/c you could see where they have burrowed thru some of the boards in her garage. I was surprised to see they had made it into the garage b/c she had that built on right before we had our addition built on not even 3 years ago. Anyway, we thought since she had them, it was possible that we'd have them too. So they checked ours too. She was planning on going to the mall right after he was done with her house but when I told her I had an appt, she said she'd stick around and go later. I love her!! So there were papers in my door when I got home. He gave us a discount and it is going to $1000 to treat for them. But I guess it is better to get them now before they destroy the house.
Ryan found a caterpillar when we got home and appropriately named it "Caterpillar." So the first thing Hannah said when we picked her up was "why does he have one and I don't?" Like I purposely found him one and not her. So we looked when we got home but couldn't find another. Then we decided to take the dogs and and our bikes down to the track where grandma and I have been walking during the day. We found 8 caterpillers while we were there so the kids were anxious to get home and put them in their bug catchers. They dumped out the water I had brought in a bowl for the dogs and put them in their. I guess Hannah didn't dump ALL the water out b/c when we got home, most of them were dead!! But they both managed to get one live one. That's the picture at the top. I managed to get around the track 6 or 7 times on my bike with the dogs while they messed around.
Now the kids are in the tub, well now Hannah is yelling to get out. We've got a mess of blocks to get cleaned up in the livingroom adn Iwant Hannah to read to me before I read to her so we aren't going to make 7pm bedtime tonight!! =)
Monday, April 26, 2010
These are pics of our trip to the circus. I couldn't get them to move around so the pics are actually going last to first. This is the circus train cars going by our house. I think I am the only one in the world who finds it amazing that the circus people go by our house! =)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday, Friday
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
space saver bags....
Monday, April 19, 2010
All of us have allergies but mine and Ryan's are acting up the worse so far. Ryan's are worse than mine too. I start sneezing and my eyes start itching in the evening but his is all day. As soon as we walk out the door he starts sneezing and multiple times during the night I hear him. Poor kid. Right now all I can give him is benadryl and he is even too young for it but the dr gave me a dose. I can't remember the dose he gave me but I only give him alittle more than half a tsp. I need to be taking claritin but I just don't. I give it to Sammy sometimes. She has allergies all year long that cause her to lick to her belly all the time and scratch a lot but it doesn't really help her.
Well, the kids are done in the tub so I better go before the room gets flooded!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
New Experiences
So after we ate we went to the mall so Brad could buy a new pair of shoes. I bought him a pair for his birthday but they were too small. They were too small for dad also. Everyone who has come to our house has tried on those tennis shoes! Dad said they had to be sized wrong. I dont know. But BRad says his feet have grown. He used to wear 10 1/2 all the time but the last pair of work boots he bought were like 11 something and the shoes he bought last night were 11 1/2!
Well, don't know what we have planned for today. It's much colder than it has been.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Brad has been home today. Well, not home but not working! He had to go to the office and unload a bunch of stuff out of his work truck and he convinced his boss to let him stay in town next week and then go back to Cols the week after. So next week is going to be different! I am used to him being gone all week, doing whatever I want with the kids, eating whatever we want (which is usually things he won't eat), watching what I want to watch in the evenings, and having the bed to myself. But it will be nice to have him around. Now he is taking the kids to his mom's to spend the night and we are going to use the Olive Garden gift card I got from my Secret Sister at church and go on a date. Thanks, whoever you are! =) On his way home is going to see if he can have the new $600 tires put on the truck.
I also got my hair cut while mom was here. I think I do that everytime she comes in! It's easy to do when she can watch the little man! And I love shopping when she is with us and can entertain Ryan for me. I think he had to poop or pee in every store we went to! Not only that, it was good to have my parents around. I think I am closer to my dad than I ever have been. It's a shame that most kids don't appreciate their parents until they are older. Mom cleaned the kids bedrooms while she was here too. That was nice. They hadn't been cleaned since before cousin Michael came and stayed a week with us. So as they were going from room to room, I went behind them with the vacuum! I had to do it before they wrecked it again!
Have a good weekend everyone!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
11 years later....
Anyway, so here we are 11 years later and I love him more now than ever. I often think about the things that first attracted me to him and made me think I had a good catch. I think I'll share them with you!! They are in no particular order.
1. He was always so respectful of elders. I remember one time while we were at Exxon (I was in the car, he was going in) and this old man fell and Brad helped him. That happened more than once.
2. He didn't like his friends to curse or talk dirty around me (remember, we were in high school)
3. He was and still is a very hard worker.
4. He never pressured me to do anything I didn't want to do, you-know-what or otherwise.
5. He went to church with me even tho I know he wasn't interested at first.
6. He had muscles. =)
7. He was a football player.
8. We did lots of fun things (fishing, ride 4 wheeler)
9. He has always been self-less. He thinks of others before himself 95% of the time. Sometimes that isn't a good thing tho.
10. He quit doing a lot of things to be with me.
11. He liked me for me.
12. Whenever I asked myself where I would be or what I'd be doing if we weren't dating, I couldn't picture anything. Yes, I had my doubts about marrying him even after over 3 yrs of dating. And I'm sure he'd say the same thing if he were honest.
13. I really felt God wanted us to be together and so far, I think He was right! =)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
what I did today....
What I did today:
clean kitchen
clean both bathrooms on my hands and knees
laundry minus the putting away part
actually remember to take movies back to walmart
make purees for my sneaky chef recipes that I have yet to try
sweep floors
and hang out at mamaw's all evening
I'm sure I've forgotten something but oh well. My parents are coming in town tomorrow and Ican't wait to see them so that means tomorrow is going to go by soooooo slllllooowww!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Big plans, small sucess
Hannah got her report card today. She continues to excel in kindergarten, according to her teacher.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
not so bad
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
run, run, run
Michael doing the squeeze
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
My, oh my...
First thing in the morning I called the dr to make an appt for Ryan to be seen b/c of his rash. Turns out he doesn't have poison ivy. It's contact dermatitis from coming into contact with something he's allergic too but rather than try to figure out what it could have been, the dr just said to give him benadryl and he would call in a perscription for a steriod cream to put on it and to have minimal sun exposure b/c that can worsen the itch and all. Yeah right!! So we left the dr and went to walmart to get a few things. Michael had money to spend (which he forgot at home) so we went to the toys for him to look for a Bakuman or something. We couldn't find them anywhere so he just started saying well, I'll just buy this or I'll buy that. So I said no, you aren't buying another gun or that huge tennis ball just b/c you want to spend the money. You need to buy something you want. So we went to the shoes. We couldn't find anything good there either so he just wanted to buy any pair of shoes so I said no! I didn't let him buy anything. He did carry all my bags for me. So we went home and ate lunch and then went to the park for awhile and then went to pick up Ryan's meds. When we go there they couldn't find it anywhere and said it hadn't been called in. So I called the dr and they said they'd recall it in. We went home, played outside for ahile and then went back later, right after 5 when the dr closed, and they still hadn't got anything from the dr!! So I don't know what happened there. I'm kinda irritated with the dr. But I can't talk to them about it until tomorrow. So Ryan is still itchy. So we came home again and ate supper and then went to the church ladies meeting. It was at Stephanie's house and she said I could bring the kids and we'd put them in the back yard! And we did! Now we are having our first thunderstorm of the season. Wish there was a way I could sit outside and watch the storm. But I'm done for the day and exhausted!
Ok, I can't get my pictures in a line so here they are!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
What a day!!
Ryan has some weird rash on his face and neck and I think he is getting pink eye. I can't figure out if the rash is from getting sun burnt or from the sun screen I've been putting on him. His neck is itchy and he has little tiny bumps all over it and his face. When he woke up this morning his eye was also swollen and red and watering and itchy. I hope no one else gets it but I can almost guarentee someone else will get it. The last time it was in our house, Hannah had it (I think she got it from Jess D at mom's for Chirstmas or thanksgiving one year--correct me if I'm wrong) then Ryan had it and then Brad had it just a little. I just hope it doesn't get spread to everyone who was at brad's mom's today.
Tomorrow cousin Michael will be here. Both the kids are excited. I don't have anything planned for us. I hope he can ride Brad's bike but I don't think he will be able to bc I can hardly get on it. Then we are planning on having a small b-day party for him next weekend before he goes back home.